Selling Ebooks and Digital Products on Ebay Just Got a Whole lot Easier
Released on = December 8, 2005, 4:53 pm
Press Release Author = Niche NEWS Journal
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = \"Automating the delivery of digital products on Ebay is no longer a wishful thought -- it\'s a reality," says: Socrates Socratous.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/8/2005
Ebay is quickly becoming a very popular place to sell digital products such as software, ebooks, digital courses, etc.
However, delivering the actual digital item in an automatic fashion at Ebay can be a little tricky or just plain frustrating.
Socrates Socratous a talented software designer out of Long Beach CA designed a system called "My Digital Dispatch", which completely incorporates with Pay pal's IPN (Instant Payment Notification) and Ebay for a unique digital automation experience.
"It's a dream come true for many Ebay sellers" Socrates explains. Instead of manually sending a link after the "Buy it now" button is clicked at Ebay, now the purchaser is automatically sent a download link immediately to their email address just after they purchase.
Socrates further mentions: "I had to come up with something to help free up my time because I was spending hours upon hours everyday sending out download links manually for all my products."
He says this was the main reason for "My Digital Dispatch" and never really thought of offering it to other Ebay sellers until recently.
Some of the various functions of Socrates' system include:
Storing customer\'s data including email and purchase info for further future correspondence if need be. The ability to personally customize delivery letters to purchasers. The system will also send a confirmation via email to the seller that a given digital product was delivered.
In addition, Socrates also provides helpful technical support for anyone wanting to switch to his system through his newsletter and help forum.
All in all \"My Digital Dispatch\" seems to be a smart, efficient alternative especially for digital Ebay selling.
Hat\'s off to Socrates Socratous of Long beach CA for creating a much needed time saver.
For more information about My Digital Dispatch visit:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Scott Foster
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